Gordon Hutchens

Gordon Hutchens is an internationally known potter and teacher. He has exhibited extensively in Canada and the U.S., with three major exhibitions in Japan. Gordon has also taught courses and workshops for many colleges and potter's guilds. His ceramic work is in public, corporate and private collections and has articles published in various ceramics magazines and books. .

Gordon received an honors degree in Fine Arts from the University of Illinois majoring in Ceramics (Clay and Glass Blowing). Three semesters of glaze & clay chemistry combined with working through school as the ceramics laboratory assistant gave him an unusually strong technical background.

For many years Gordon has operated his studio on Denman Island, British Columbia, Canada. His work is well known for the depth and diversity of his glazes and the strength and refinement of his forms. He produces a variety of work from sculptured to functional, and utilizes an extremely broad range of techniques.

Gordon is the host of four video programs from PotteryVideos.com including: Beginning Raku, Variations on Raku,  and two videos on Salt-Soda Firing.

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